The Hero Roster is a listing of all submitted Heroes to the Power Outage Website.  These brave children are at the frontlines of fighting for truth and justice.  We celebrate these upstanding citizens of Outage, Alaska, and wish them the very best in their efforts!

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To Submit Your Childrens’ Hero, Fill out the form, found here, and the administrator will get back to you shortly.

1st Generation Heroes

These heroes are great to pick up for a quick game, or if you’re demoing Power Outage for some friends who’ve never played it before.


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Creator’s Kids’ Heroes

Below are Heroes belonging to the Creators Children.  These are playable characters, and anyone out there is welcome to play as any one of them.


Click Here to Download Butterfly Girl’s Character Sheet


Click Here to Download Ice Princess’s Character Sheet


Click Here to Download Electric Girl’s Character Sheet

Click Here to Download Animal Girl’s Character Sheet


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Power Outage lets your children become Heroes in this imaginative Tabletop Roleplaying game. They create characters, develop their stories, and solve problems for the citizens of Outage, Alaska.

But more importantly, you get to become a hero too. You become a hero to your children, by playing with them, and engaging in storytelling, decision making, teamwork, and education in fun and imaginative narratives designed with children in mind.

Go forth. Adventure. Save the world, without leaving the kitchen table.

Be a Hero.

Commission an artist

Are you looking for an Artist to render your child's character, or any character you design? Why not enlist one of Power Outages Official artists? Click the image below to email him directly.